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UN Passes Unanimous Resolution on DarfurWill create the world's largest peacekeeping operation
Bush Giving $43 Billion to Mideast to Buy More WeaponsViewed as effort to buy anti-Iranian alliance among moderate Arab statesLibya's Release of "HIV Medics" Compared to Extortion"Human rights, civil rights, and scientific evidence were completely ignored"
Vast Underground Lake Found in Darfur
Hopes that "1,000 Wells for Darfur" will end strife in region
Evangelicals Have 2-Hour Meetup With Mideast Muslim DiplomatsChristian Zionists asked if they could be more "balanced" in their support of Israel
Iran's Policies Towards Iraq Not Much Different Than Bush'sDespite White House playbook portraying Iran as trying to destabilize Iraq
Presidential Contenders Endorse "Grassroots" Campaign to Isolate IranEven Obama and Hillary sign on to campaign spearheaded by neo-cons, Israeli lobby
Quake Damage at Nuclear Power Plant Shakes Japan's ConfidenceSite was considered least likely to be affected by an earthquake
Israel's Palestinian Prisoner Release Aimed at Supporting AbbasIsraeli troops also drop 178 Fatah militants from the 'wanted' list
Bush Throws U.S. Support Behind FatahBig endorsement of Abbas' faction called too little, too late
Gaza Economy Near Collapse
4 of 5 private sector businesses have closed
New Warning of Famine in DarfurAfter Oxfam begins phasing out aid because of deteriorating security situation
Civilian Deaths From U.S. Airstrikes a Growing Part of Afghan, Iraq Death TollUse of air power escalating, as are number of "regrettable" incidents
Neo-Cons Try to Rally, Bully Repubs Into "Surge" SupportDenounce GOP Senators who now call for a change of course "pre-9/11 Republicans"
Chiquita, Drummond, on Trial for Ties to Colombia Death SquadsChiquita paid $25 million in March for paramilitary payoffs![]() |
Turkey's Islamic Party Wins Election MandateBut Kurdish activists have representation in Parliament for the time in 15 years
Turkey Calls Off Iraq Border Attack - For NowMilitary angry that prime minister playing role of peacemaker on eve of national elections
Turkey Expecting Troops to Cross Iraq Border at any TimeInvasion before election could help ruling party
Livestock Antibiotics Can End Up in "Organic" Foods, Study Finds
Manure containing antibiotics are not formally banned or prohibited
Bush: All Enemies are now "al-Qaeda"Informal, overlapping group of networks becomes the "icon of jihad"
Hamas Hopes Release of BBC Reporter Will Give it LegitimacyHoping to show it can impose order in the chaos-ridden, lawless streets of Gaza
The Real Reason Bush Kept Scooter From Jail
Federal Inmate # 28301-016 too important in the bigger coverup
Blackwater Claims Military Immunity in Wrongful Death SuitBlackwater maintains that it's working for the government, so it can't be sued for deaths or injuries
NATO Forces Surrender Part of Afghanistan to Taliban
Schools closed, music banned after Brit troops withdrew in Feb
Climate Change a Major Cause of Darfur Crisis
Example of how shifts in rainfall can bring down governments and even set off wars
Woman Sentenced to Beheading by Saudis to get Legal Help With AppealClosed justice system condemns people to death without legal representation at their trials
Justice Dept. Investigating Saudi Royal Family Bribe CaseMoney allegedly paid to Prince Bandar through U.S. banks
Ex-EPA Chief Whitman Grilled Over Her 9/11 Role
Says Agency not to blame for the thousands of people who now are ill after being told Ground Zero was safe
Soviet-Era Weapons, Not Iran, Arming TalibanSmuggling guns from N to S Afghanistan a booming business
Survey Finds Most Muslims Reject ExtremismApproval of suicide bombing has declined dramatically over the past five years |
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Editor: Jeff Elliott (editor@monitor.net)
The Albion Monitor is currently published as an ongoing newspaper by Wayward Press Inc, POB 1733, Sebastopol, CA 95473
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