Kurtz A Reliable Source?
shame, shame, shame!!!!!
Reliable Sources? Bill O'Reilly might as well call his show the No-Spin Factor.
You feature a debate on Ann Coulter's hate spew and highlight the fact that many networks played Coulter's comment on Good Morning America where she advanced the idea that John Edwards be shot in a terrorist assassination plot, but that they did not play the entire context of her quote.
Well, Howard, making sure I am reliable, here's Ann's full quote:
"But about the same time, you know, Bill Maher was not joking and saying he wished Dick Cheney had been killed in a terrorist attack. So I've learned my lesson. If I'm gonna say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot."
See. Then we would have known, as your Townhall.com reliably-sourced guest said, that liberals like Maher did the same thing and that, in fact, networks were trying to make what Coulter say, seem even worse. Damn you liberal media.
Which might be true, if not for one thing. It was a lie. Maher didn't say the same thing. Not even close. Believe it or not, Ann lied.
I know you don't have the Factor's crack research team to check out every source, reliably, so perhaps I could invest a good two seconds out of my life to help you out. Here's the March 2 show
transcript; scroll down about halfway and you'll find Maher and his panel of guests discussing a dust-up over related statements that appeared in the "comments" section of the HuffingtonPost blog. In no way can Coulter honestly claim, "Bill Maher [said] he wished Dick Cheney had been killed in a terrorist attack."
So why in the world should the networks run the first half of Ann's quote when her reference to Maher was a lie?
In the least, when you played the complete GMA/Coulter quote, you should have brought up that she had herself mangled Maher's comments only so that she could spew her personal and hateful venom yet make it appear that "everyone is doing it."
Amazing, huh? The show meant to watchdog over the reliability in the media, didn't. Instead you fed into the same kind of distortion of events that the Right's broadcast Lords of Loud dwell on that always seems to attain some kind of "other half of the truth" credibility. Like Gore said he invented the Internet or that Kerry was a coward. That
Maher had already dealt with Coulter's allegation in March, when it was first bandied about by the Right's Noise Machine. That should have been enough not to let it fly again. But repeating a lie never seems to hurt on the Right, especially when the so-called liberal media at CNN allows it free reign.
Best, A Fan of Reliable Sources, If They're Actually Reliable,
Award-winning TV writer, Steve Young, is author of "Great Failures of the Extremely Sucessful" (www.greatfailure.com)
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