If teachers teaching a class "have a responsibility to tell the truth," then someone who has a broadcasting soapbox nearly as big as his gonads has an even larger responsibility. Yet even though your lies have been well documented, you wouldn't dare own up to one.
Admit it, Bill, if you and Fox News didn't see the "hey, look at them there liberal professors" possibilities, Ward Churchill's words would have dissolved into thin air. But you made Churchill's situation a cause celebre for the Folks and your own corrupt and imaginary Culture War.
You are offended that Churchill "defamed innocent people brutally killed on 9/11," yet how different is that than you saying a sexually abused kid enjoyed his imprisonment?
Do you remember your own words, Bill?
"I think when it all comes down, what's going to happen is, there was an element here that this kid liked about this circumstances," or that "the situation here for this kid looks to me to be a lot more fun than what he had under his old parents."
And you said that for millions to hear. Not a classroom. That in itself provided a far worse a far more egregious "malpractice" (your word) upon humanity than anything you say Ward Churchill has done.
You talk about responsibility to tell the truth. You wouldn't even take responsibility for your own words, instead trying to spin them into some sort of "just throwing out the possibilities" scenario. Some responsibility.
You even out and out lied about me on your show and called me "crazy, and everyone knows it." And this week you called Lane Hudson -- who notified the Secret Service about one of the Folks at BillOReilly.com threatening the life of Hillary Clinton -- crazy. What is it with you that you have to label any who questions you as emotionally-challenged? You have something against the mentally ill? Shame on you.
Then again...teachers having it cushier than you?
Can't wait til you spin that one.
Steve Young's "All The News That's Fit To Spoof" appears in L.A. Daily News opeds every Sunday, right next to Bill's...really
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