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Bush Can't Answer Key Question: Who is the Enemy in Iraq?Is Iraq really about the global war on terror, the alleged threat from Iran, the danger emanating from sectarian war, or simply the administration's desire to claim success against the resistance to the occupation itself?
UN Votes for Iran SanctionsHold-outs Russia and China say resolution a way for Iran to regain footing
As Rice's Iran Strategy Fizzles, Cheney Waits in WingsUN won't go along with tough sanctions
Neo-Cons Present "Victory" Plan for IraqEscalate war, but just call it a "surge"
Saudis Prepare to Make Move on IraqPositioning themselves to directly influence strategy in Iraq
Maliki's National Reconciliation Summit a BustSlim chance for peace now as major Sunni, Shiite groups boycott
Sunni Groups Offered U.S. Deal to Pacify Baghdad, Turn Over ZarqawiWhite House blew chance in Nov. 2005 to stop civil war by taking Sunni side
Somalia Crisis Turning Into Christian-Muslim WarU.S. taking sides and claiming Islamic force has ties to al Qaeda
Mogadishu in Chaos as Islamic Militia Leaves
Clans rearming in anticipation of the return of the U.S.-backed warlords![]() |
TIME Chooses "You" as Person of the Year
To quote Groucho: Who wants to be a member of a group that would have me?
DHS Holding Tens of Thousands of Immigrants in Jails While Awaiting Residence HearingsMany are Central Americans who came in search of work and freedom from increasing gang violence
Massive Immigrant Sweep Creates Havoc for Workers' FamiliesFew suspects found, much damage to relations with Latino community
Pinochet Dies at 91, Never Facing Justice for CrimesWas facing legal action in 4 human rights, 2 corruption cases
Pinochet's Abuses Led to New Human Rights MovementPursuit of justice may foreshadow Rumsfeld's upcoming legal woes
Rape Conviction Revives U.S.-Philippine TensionAmerican authorities want protection for Marine convicted of raping a Filipina
Fiji Coup Leaders Gag MediaMilitary closes papers to block "propaganda" against the new political leadership
Mel Gibson's 'Apocalypto' Ignores Great Civilization
Blood and gore, not scientists and artists
Mel Gibson Must Answer Serious Deceptions of 'Apocalypto'Characters ripped off from "Road To El Dorado" cartoon are least of the distortions
Chavez Faces Serious Opposition to Reckon With40% united against him
Chavez Claims Mandate After Landslide Vote"This is the starting-point on Venezuela's road to socialism"
Bush Wants Near-Total Isolation for Gitmo PrisonersContact with defense lawyers could incite the prisoners to violence
Gitmo Like "Being Alive in Your Grave"Family of imprisoned Pakistani father and son describe horrors
Workers in Wealthy UAE Living in Squalor
500,000 migrant workers face a range of systematic abuse by their employers, including lack of basic housing
Tough Lessons From The Duke Rape CaseBackfire of shouting "race" in rape accusations
Disabled Iraq Vets a Silent CrisisOver 150,000 veterans of the Iraq war receiving disability benefits |
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Editor: Jeff Elliott (editor@monitor.net)
The Albion Monitor is currently published as an ongoing newspaper by Wayward Press Inc, POB 1733, Sebastopol, CA 95473
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