Late April 1997
Hush Money | |
from past issues |
Fish Show Hormone-Disruptor Effect Nationwide
Long feared evidence of pollution-caused sterilty, sex faults
Enviros, Property-Rights Advocates Fight Land Use Proposal Would open up much of San Diego County to unrestricted development Australia, N Zealand Get Tough on Gene-Modified Food Just as U.S. weakens regulations on some types of bio-tech plants
Anti-Enviro Movement Courts Militias, Other Extremists Report documents close ties between anti-environmental leaders and extremist organizations Summer "White Power Woodstock" Planned "NordicFest" to be in Northern Michigan
Why Johnny Can't Read: The Airport Next Door Kids near airports, other noise don't read as well because they tune out Gov. Wilson, Calif GOP Push for Harsh Welfare Cuts Hard-liners in Assembly try to subvert bipartisan committee Ecuador Natives May Sue U.S. Allege Embassy interfered with lawsuit against Texaco New Sweatshop Panel Doesn't Please Everyone Critics say violators like Nike, Disney, have ways to avoid oversight Canada's Growth Industry: Sweatshops Lax enforcement of labor laws, high unemployment lead to exploitation of women, immigrants Salmon Return When Dam Removed Nature restored when aged, faltering dams dismantled
Recycling Under Attack |
Why I Resigned From the Clinton Administration Ethics demanded official quit over farce of "welfare reform"
Opening Our Eyes To The Menace of Sprawl Local governments subsidize urban sprawl 'Volunteerism' Lets Clinton Off The Hook "Guilt labor" won't repair America's crumbling infrastructure Utility Deregulation Will Send Oregon's Water South -- By Wire Northwest activists feared their water would be stolen via pipelines, not powerlines
Letters All hate mail special!
(http://www.monitor.net/monitor) Issue 29
Editor: Jeff Elliott (editor@monitor.net) The Albion Monitor is currently published as an ongoing newspaper by Monitor Publishing, POB 1025, Occidental CA 95465. Subscription is free to monitor.net users; contact info@monitor.net for rates, or view our home page. |