Albion Monitor

Issue No. 22
December, 1996



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FREE! CIA - Contra Drug Deal Named Top Story Government and "status quo" press fails to discredit San Jose Mercury series, with analysis by:
Mark Lowenthal
Norman Solomon

Loophole Lets Corporations Tap Public Housing Fund More than $190 million in bond $$ to Chevron, Shell, and ARCO

"Mad Cows," rBGH Hormones Related Warning that human epidemic possible

Moon's Church Growing in S America Million spent on missionaries, newspaper

NAFTA Flaw Leaves Workers Without Rights Deck stacked favoring employers, study finds

FREE! Justice for Judi As dying Earth First! activist Judi Bari seeks her day in court, the FBI tries to delay incriminating trial as long as possible
Why No FBI Apology for Judi Bari? FBI smear tactics against Bari similar to recent Olympic bombing case
Judi Bari Wins Round in FBI Suit Quit stalling, judge tells FBI


Death Threats Target E Timor Peace Prize Winner Indonesian dictorship angered by award

1996 Profits Won Over Human Rights, Group Says Politics, money favored over lives

"Cyanide River" Company Makes Big Promises Caused enviro disaster last year

Investor Beats Mining Disaster Charges Costliest accident in U.S. history

"Toxic Bob's" Global Search for Gold Mining in the Amazon, Siberia, Asia, Africa

Ozone Cleanup Fund Owed Millions Governments break promise to pay

New Pesticide Concerns Raised Unexplained symptoms like Gulf War Syndrome

Gypsies Under Police Attack, Report Says Romanian police routinely shoot, harass minority


Children Forgotten Shunned by the FDA, insurers, and drug companies, kids with AIDS find life-saving medicine unavailable

The CIA, the Contras and Crack Cocaine Although still officially denied, there's little doubt that top officials in the U.S. government knew that the CIA and Contras were trading guns for drugs


Jim Hightower Getting "Nikied"

A Media Tale of Two Bombing Stories The media owes Judi Bari an apology

FREE! Don't "Beef Up" Computers Why the computers 'n' meat ads?

Canada's Health System in Jeopardy Pressure to be like U.S.

Norman Solomon
The Brave New World of Bill Gates
1996 Media Time Capsule

Happy New Year, 1970 Remembering America's future


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Albion Monitor
Issue 22

Editor: Jeff Elliott (
Publisher: Darryl Trujillo (
FAX: (707) 824-0549

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