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Pentagon Officials Exaggerated Threat in Iran Speedboat StoryAudio recording from open access VHF channel was spliced into a video on which the voice apparently could not be heard
Bush Admin Version of "Iran Incident" Starts to Unravel
Pentagon admits threatening audio could be fake
Pentagon Won't Concede Iran's Role in Calming Iraq ViolenceBut State Dept. credits Iranian policy decision for Mahdi Army ceasefire
"We Are Haunted By a War Begun Under False Pretenses"At least 935 false statements from Bush admin leading to the invasion of Iraq
Bush "Signing Statement" Okays Permanent Bases in IraqBush takes $696 billion, rewrites law on how it will be spent
Bush Trying to Lock Next President Into IraqDemocrats railing against the idea that Bush is in a position to make commitments
"Clean Coal" Project Scrapped Hours After Bush Speech
State of the Union call for funding followed by cancellation
IMF Predicts Worst Global Economic Downturn in YearsBush rebates, lower interest rates, not enough to cut it
China Finding Opportunity in U.S. Recession"If it was not for the subprime mortgage crisis, China could not have dreamed of pumping money into top Wall Street financial institutions"
Mortgage Industry Targeted Minorities for Risky Loans, Says Think Tank"The subprime lending debacle has caused the greatest loss of wealth to people of color in modern U.S. history"
Day Laborers at Soup Kitchens Another Sign U.S. Economy in TroubleHard working illegals hit the hardest as money dries up
U.S. Ramps up Terror War in EastMore troops to Afghanistan, while Bush admin reluctantly admits Pakistan is the world's most dangerous place
Real Goal of Bush "Peace" Tour: Beat War Drums Against IranU.S. hoping for unlikely Arab-Israeli alliance to counter Iran's rise![]() |
Egypt Stands Aside as 700,000 Desperate Palestinians Flood Across Gaza BorderIsrael furious as medicine, food, fuel reach needy despite blockade
Christian Zionists Feel "Betrayed" by Bush's Road MapFurious that U.S. now agrees to Palestinan rights to part of Jerusalem
Christian Zionists Buy Access to Israel's Top LeadershipMajor funding for immigration and resettlement projects
Bush Mideast Visit Underscores Hamas-Fatah Split
Gaza and Hamas, elected in fair, monitored, vote, shunned
Israel High Court Okays Power, Fuel Shutoff to Gaza
Palestinians blocked from presenting testimony to show humanitarian impact
Neo-cons Lose Their "Islamofascist Expert" in the PentagonWingnuts quick to claim he's a victim of "political correctness"
New Book Documents Growth of Neo-Con DelusionsSlide from the movement's Trotskyist roots into Ronald Reagan's Republican Party
Musharraf Tries to Pin Blame for Bhutto Assassination on Pro-Taliban PashtunsBhutto called tribe "time-tested friends," did not feel threatened
Afghan Prison Compared to Gitmo
3x more prisoners in "a previously undisclosed warren of isolation cells," Red Cross says
Afghan Journalism Student Sentenced to Death for Internet PostingAccused of passing around blasphemous articles and "mocking Islam and the Koran"
Pakistan Survey Shows U.S. Intervention Feared More Than TalibanOnly 5 % would welcome U.S. forces in to fight al-Qaeda
Growing Number of Suicide Attacks by ChildrenChildren also used as decoys in suicide car bombings
U.S. TV Foreign News Reporting Back to Pre-9/11 LevelsEven Iraq coverage down to average of 30 minutes a week |
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Editor: Jeff Elliott (editor@monitor.net)
The Albion Monitor is currently published as an ongoing newspaper by Wayward Press Inc, POB 1733, Sebastopol, CA 95473
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