I bring this up now at a time when the mass media is all too enthusiastically celebrating Benazir Bhutto as the carrier of the democratic ideal and apologizing for her willing of control over the party that she ruled as "chairman for life" to her arranged-marriage husband, Asif Ali Zardari, and their 19-year-old son, Bilawal. Prior to his attending Oxford, he spent his formative years in the United Arab Emirates, which along with Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, were the only three countries to diplomatically recognize the Taliban.
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari doesn't seem familiar with the language used in Pakistan or much else about daily life in the country, but his father, known as "Mr. Ten Percent" for skimming wildly in previous Bhutto governments, assures us that a few more years at Oxford is all the seasoning this future hereditary democratic leader needs.
It is hoped that the curriculum will include some reference to Pakistan's key role, abetted by American visionaries like Charlie Wilson, in spawning the current terrorism menace.
While the war on terror is used as the justification for U.S. meddling in Pakistan's politics and wasting at least $10 billion in funding to prop up the Musharraf government, it is rarely noticed that the general-turned-dictator and his key opponents are all more or less equally compromised by past support of the Taliban.
Nawaz Sharif, the religious-based opposition leader, is clearly the most sympathetic to the fundamentalists, as are his Saudi backers, who bear the most responsibility for funding Islamic extremism. But the "democratic alternative" of Bhutto, whom the United States sought to broker back into power, was as compromized on this issue of support for the Taliban as she was on the matter of the Islamic bomb.
Indeed Benazir Bhutto, in her second term as Pakistan's prime minister, oversaw funding of the Taliban and concealed that fact from the United States. As reported in Steve Coll's authoritative book "Ghost Wars," Benazir Bhutto in a White House meeting with President Bill Clinton in the spring of 1995 "promoted the Taliban as a pro-Pakistan force that could help stabilize Afghanistan. ... During her visit and for many months afterward, Bhutto and her aides repeatedly lied to American government officials and members of Congress about the extent of Pakistani military and financial aid to the Taliban."
No doubt Benazir Bhutto had her virtues. Like many other reporters, I was mightily impressed with her intelligence upon meeting her. I never bothered to look too closely into the murders of her two brothers or the corruption charges that swirled around her and her husband. Nor did I focus on the disparity between the enormous wealth of the Bhutto clan and the miserable poverty of most they claimed to lead with their populist politics.
But I am not a Pakistani voter, and neither are those geniuses in the U.S. government who talked her into returning home without planning for the consequences. So, what else is new? But there is something: This time, the subject of our nation-building fantasy does have weapons of mass destruction and, thanks to our previous military sales of advanced jets, the means to deliver them. This time, the blowback price of our incessant meddling could prove quite high. Even Tom Hanks can't put a pretty face on that one.
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