Obama led a charmed life, and then he won Iowa. Already in New Hampshire, Hillary's campaign manager, Billy Shaheen, had warmed up voters by reminding them Obama was unelectable because of his past "drug use" as a pot-smoker and a cokehead. Between the tears that established her femininity, Hillary snarled that whereas the black Martin Luther King was a merchant of dreams, it took a white president, Lyndon Johnson, to get the civil rights bill through Congress. Andrew Cuomo, a prominent New York Democrat, said he was tired of Obama's "shuck and jive."
Then came the announcement earlier this week of a truce on the growing racial acrimony. This was instantly broken as Bob Johnson, America's first black billionaire and a big Hillary supporter, stood next to Hillary on a campaign platform in South Carolina and said the Clintons had been fighting for black justice while young Obama was still "doing something in the neighborhood" -- i.e. doing drugs behind the schoolyard fence.
Racial decorum is paper-thin in America, and already the gloves are halfway off. Obama's home preacher and spiritual counselor, Jeremiah Wright, told a huge and applauding congregation in his church in Chicago that "some argue that blacks should vote for Clinton because her husband was good to us. That's not true! He did the same thing to us that he did to Monica Lewinsky." The Rocky Mountain News reports that at a stockmen's gathering in Colorado, a speaker joked that if Obama becomes president, it won't be called the White House any more.
Now the two are locked in a desperate struggle in South Carolina, scheduled for Jan. 26. This is called the black primary since it's the contest most likely, on the Democratic side, to be swayed by the large black vote. Clinton campaign money has been liberally distributed to the all-important black churches whose preachers will be rallying the vote. The Clintons' instinct is to trash Obama, betting that whatever offense they cause to blacks will abate by the time Hillary has to face a Republican in the fall. Obama has the same problem in reverse. Any angry black talk may help him in the short term in South Carolina but would explode the vital message that he is safely "above" the racial divide.
It won't be long before the Clinton campaign circulates some of Rev. Wright's sermons linking Zionism with racism and brandishes the photo of Mr. and Mrs. Barack Obama having lunch with the late Edward Said, America's best-known Palestinian. Already they're trying to link Wright's church to Louis Farrakhan. Jackson can predict accurately to Obama what will happen next, and those speeches praising Sen. Joseph Lieberman won't help. No, a Clinton-Obama ticket is not likely. The Clintons take their fights bitterly, and while it may be true that America is ready for a woman president, the notion that it would be similarly receptive to a black president is truly open to challenge.
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