For the first time in television history, a network has cancelled a broadcast under political pressure. But "historical inaccuracies" probably weren't the true cause of the furor -- it was what the film reminded viewers about the true, shameful, Reagan legacy
U.S. Hasn't Accounted For $4 Billion In Seized Iraq Cash
Charges that assets going to contracts with U.S. corporations
Immigrant Workers Facing Health Problems From Ground Zero Cleanup
Some told to remove face masks to keep co-workers from requesting them
Dissolving Iraq Army Was #1 U.S. Mistake
12 percent of the population now without careers, resents U.S.
NAFTA Created Decade Of Disaster For Mexico, Two Studies Find
Poverty has skyrocketed, leading to illegal immigration to U.S.
Muslims Snub White House Ramadan Dinner
"It seems that the only time this administration wants to meet with us is for photo opportunities"
Iranian Peace Prize Winner Challenges Western Feminists
Feminism from within Islam, not in confrontation to it
Confrontation Imminent Over California Immigrant Driver License
Schwarzenegger under pressure from advisors, right-wing
Last-Minute Dirty Trick By Schwarzenegger Campaign
Spread story that smeared woman making sex assault charge
Baghdad Schools Become Latest Battleground
Children fear attacks because security not a priority
Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld gets a handshake from Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi but no troops. The anxious-looking woman in the background is presumably a translator
With Iraq rocked by increasing violence against U.S.-led occupation forces, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld called for allies to supply "a lot of troops" for duty in Iraq. But the only good news was that South Korea agreed to send up to 3,000 soldiers, and that 178 Filipino soldiers, policemen and social and health workers are on their way to Iraq, as well as 128 Portugese soldiers. Japan won't send any peacekeeping forces until possibly sometime next year, and the hoped-for 10,000 troops from Turkey, won't be going at all
(BACKGROUND on "Coalition of the Willing")
Sorry, No Troops For Iraq, Japan Says
Sorry, No Troops For Iraq, Turkey Says
Portugal Sending 128 Soldiers To Iraq
Philippines Will Pull Soldiers Out Of Iraq If Endangered
Private Armies Growing In Iraq, Afghanistan
Sign that U.S.-British alliance getting stretched thin
Bush Has Polarized U.S, Study Finds
Greatest division between Demos and Repubs in 15 years
Bush Crowd Steps Up Political Pressure To Reject Global Warming Accord
Bush Admin follows oil companies lead in vigorously denying climate change
EPA even won't prosecute companies that have already been found in violation of the law
One Meal A Day For Most Palestinians, UN Reports
Area is "on the verge of humanitarian catastrophe," UN says
Israel Courts Block Unions From General Strike
Government wants to seize pension funds amid economic crisis
Israel Assassination Retaliation Leads To Dead Civilians
Missle strikes in heart of crowded refugee camp
Bush Lets Clean Air Act Violators Off the Hook
"The White House's policy is to coddle the big polluters, and the public be damned"
Is Bush Moving Away From Hard-Right Cheney "Iron Triangle?"
Taking Pentagon control away from Iraq crisis policy, softened language towards "Axis of Evil" nations