Albion Monitor Issue 49 July, 1998
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Chiquita - Newspaper Controversy Still Growing
Did Cincinnati Enquirer yank investigative series as part of business deal?

FREE! Chiquita Coverup: Money and Power Beats Integrity
By conceding everything to Chiquita, newspaper lost all credibility overnight

FREE! Butterfly and Luna
Dancing in the Treetop
I Feel so Blessed to be Here

New Report Slams Clinton, Industry Commitment to AIDS Vaccine
No political leadership as drug makers evade or cancel projects
Third World AIDS Continues to Skyrocket, UN Says
African rates higher than most pessimistic predictions ten years ago
OKC Bombing Grand Jury May Be Near End
FBI agents probably will escape testimony
Seller of Native Human Remains is Jailed, Fined
First jail sentence ever given for Native grave robbing
Indonesian Press Struggling Despite New Freedoms
Government holds onto control by requiring publishing license
Airlines, FAA Ignore Safety Recommendations Says Study
Industry said to be virtually unregulated because of generous campaign donations
Error 404: News Not Found in Your Daily Paper
Corporations stalk children on Internet; Disney blots out child labor; Christian right censored for hate; Gulf War Syndrome and uranium bullets; Clinton shuns Chinese sweatshops; Yeltsin overthrow may be imminent
End of Congressional Session, Riders Run Amok
Used relentlessly by a few Republicans to overturn environmental protections
FREE! Medicine's Deadly Toll
Quarter of million Americans die each year from medical care itself
Meat Industry Blocks Food Safety Reforms
Top Congressional recipients of meat PAC money fight public health bill
FREE! China's Military - Industrial / Sweatshop Complex
Vast number of American goods made in sweatshops or military-run prison camps
Police Brutality is Most Serious Rights Violation in U.S.
Lack of departmental, state, or federal investigation protects bad cops

Despite promises of environmental and health safeguards, problems grow along Mexican border and one of the poorest regions of the U.S.
+ Toxic Waste Problems Worsen on U.S. - Mexican Border
+ Birth Defects Twice That of Average
+ Nuclear Waste Dump Planned
+ High Lupus Rate Found Along Border

Prison Held Captive: Convicts Now Asked to 'Volunteer' Free Labor
In June, the Boston Globe fired African-American poet and columnist Patricia Smith after she admitted fabricating persons and quotations in several columns. But did the newspaper do the right thing?
+ Firing Demonstrates Integrity of Journalism
+ Offense was no "Mortal Sin" of Good Journalism

Wildlife Dying At The Doorsteps Of National Parks
Alarming numbers of protected animals die just outside park boundaries
Enviros Cheer Start of Russian Nuke Waste Cleanup
Nuclear submarine waste sitting in rusting barrels for years
FREE! Radioactive Russian Lake Called Possible "Global Catastrophe"
Waste moving toward watershed might contaminate all of Western Siberia and Arctic Ocean
Melting Peru Glaciers Threaten Nation
Scientists expect some areas to be flooded, others becoming deserts
One-Celled Ocean Plants Key to Stable Atmosphere, Climate
Creates most oxygen and removes C02, but very sensitive to environment change
Efforts to End Trade Sanctions Gathering Steam
U.S. broad punishment against nations seen as ineffective
FREE! Saving the Last Survivors
How do you save an endangered animal so bizarre that it has its own species?

+ Media Error Retractions are Selective
+ Media Treats China as Good Bad Guy

Y2K and the Average Bite of Food
Potential computer problem underscores our dependence on foreign food, commodities
Murdoch Abuses Power of Media
Clinton bashing curries favor with conservative Congress
+ Media Ignores Shameful Supreme Court Decision
+ The Myth of the Liberal Press
+ The Dirtiest Secrets of Racist South Africa

Albion Monitor
Issue 49

Editor: Jeff Elliott (
Publisher: Darryl Trujillo (

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