Albion Monitor

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Menu October 30, 1995
Vox Populi

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Tension High in Round Valley Recent events have many carrying guns.

Logging in National Forests Costs Taxpayers Study finds Western logging unprofitable.

Community or Corporate Hospital Union wants voice in selecting new owner.

Spy Agencies Loathe Change Military, CIA don't want to swap secrets.

Elders: Start AIDS Education in Kindergarten Little time spent on health education.

Governments Sanction Amazon Genocide Atrocities common in prized regions.

Point Reyes Fire Good News for Nature Fire overdue for native trees, plants.

Unsafe Drinking Water Linked to Agribusiness Central Valley health risk because of corporate farming.

Headwaters Update Protest, logging continue.

The O.J. Index With apologies to Harpers...



The Crucifixion of Kevin Elders Curious timing in arrest and conviction of Dr. Jocelyn Elders son.

The Oak Woodland Next Door Annadel State park hike through history.

The Secret FISA Court Broad new powers for little-known court.



The Medicare Debate Both sides of the controversy and recent deal-making.

Oh, Canada... Protests by Native people in Canada ignored by U.S. press.

White Supremacy in the 1990's Racists learn to tap mainstream America.

Mark Lowenthal Why the media supresses news.

Sara Peyton So what was it that football is supposed to teach our youth?

Letters Sez who? Sez me!



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Albion Monitor October 30, 1995 (

Editor: Jeff Elliott (
Publisher: Darryl Trujillo (
FAX: (707) 824-0549

The Albion Monitor is currently published twice monthly by Monitor Publishing, POB 1025, Occidental CA 95465. Subscription is free to users; contact for rates, or view our home page. Anyone with web access may subscribe for $29 per year, prepaid.

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