Albion Monitor Issue 156 APRIL 2007
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The Albion Monitor ceased publishing May 5, 2009
Target Global Warming, Target Exxon

FREE! Although more than 3 of 4 Americans now acknowledge that global warming poses a serious problem, 55 percent only say the issue requires immediate government action, and only 47 percent in the same poll say that they believe it's human caused. This means there's still serious denial. And to dismantle the architecture of this denial means taking on the key role of ExxonMobil.

Exxon jumped in to support those who dismiss global warming's threat as part of a more general assault on government regulation and action. As the scientific consensus around global warming began to solidify, it began funding a series of studies and spokespeople to insist that mainstream scientific opinion was sharply divided. Between 1998 and 2005 the company has invested over $16 million in challenging the overwhelming consensus among climatologists, spreading the resources among at least 43 different institutions to give the appearance of a broad chorus of dissent

    Why Cheney's lies matter 404 reports

Historic Peace Deal for Northern Ireland

Power sharing agreement with Sinn Fein

U.S. Ignored Car Bomb Deaths in Touting Drop in Iraq Violence

UN finds 34,452 Iraqi civilian casualties not counted

Thousands of Afghans Protest Coalition Killings

Civilians killed in military operations on Taliban targets

Neo-Cons Furious Over Peaceful Outcome of Iran Hostage Crisis

Also framing the returning sailors as cowards

Iran Hardliners Split Over Release of Brit Sailors

Angry that "spies" were treated well, released "as a kind of publicity stunt"

Does Bush Restraint on Brit Sailor Hostages Show Tilt to Iran Diplomacy?

Combination of bluster and silence recalls Kissinger's strategy with N Vietnam

Pelosi Makes Syria Visit That Bush Should Have FREE!

Constitution originally intended Congress to have more say in foreign affairs than President

Cheney's Daughter Rages Against Syria

Just days after VP blasts Speaker Pelosi for meddling

Supreme Ct: We Won't Consider Habeas Corpus for Gitmo, but Maybe Later

"We hope our clients survive until they finally get their day in court"

PHOTO: © Simone D. McCourtie/ World Bank

The nepotism controversy surrounding World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz and his long-time partner and colleague Shaha Riza heightened with new revelations that Riza may have had a history of flouting Bank rules while financially benefiting from jobs associated with Wolfowitz's former post at the Pentagon. It also has come out that Wolfowitz brought with him to the Bank several key right-wing Republican aides -- none with any development experience -- who had worked closely with him on Iraq-related issues while he was at the Pentagon also bolstered that impression. Critics also charged that he has been more than eager to line up the institution and its resources behind U.S. policy in Iraq. Persistent efforts by Wolfowitz to recruit a new country manager for Iraq despite concerns over staff security there -- as well as the Bank's attempts last month to suppress reports about an incident in which a Bank employee was injured in Baghdad, apparently to avoid derailing his recruitment efforts


World Bank's Corruption Fighters Say Wolfowitz Undermining Credibility

Wolfowitz Hires Lawyer, Begs for More Time

Wolfowitz Scandal Takes Bank Hypocrisy to New Heights FREE!

World Bank Headquarters in Crisis Mode Over Wolfowitz

Pentagon Told Defense Contractor to Hire Wolfowitz' Companion

Global Media, Activists, Call for Wolfowitz's Ouster

Wolfowitz Deflects Questions About Role in Scandal

Neo-Con Allies Regroup Behind Wolfowitz

Wolfowitz Gave Top Jobs to Iraq War Backers

World Bank Staff Seeks Wolfowitz's Ouster

Wolfowitz Denies Cutting Funds for World Bank Contraception

Wolfowitz's Nepotism Deals Began While at Pentagon

Wolfowitz Accused of Nepotism at World Bank

Baghdad Walls Will Only Increase Violence, Iraqis Say FREE!

Barriers wall off Sunni minority in Baghdad

Closing off Sunni neighborhoods with barricades

Iraqis Blame U.S. for Baghdad Bloody Wednesday

300+ killed in coordinated attack despite U.S. troop "surge"

U.S. Meddling a Major Factor in Somalia Crisis FREE!

Somalia the 3rd example of Bush creating a potentially anti-U.S. Islamist threat where none previously existed

PBS Yanks Show on "Islamism" at Last Minute

Producer is also the president of right-wing think tank promoting "threat of Islamofascism"

Americans Have Weak Grasp of Current Affairs, Survey Finds

Only 69% could identify Dick Cheney

Remembering Yeltsin: Hero, Clown, War Criminal

Founding father of Russian democracy, renowned drunk

Abortion No Longer a Crime in Mexico City

Joins Cuba and Guyana as the only places in Latin America where abortion is legal

Rapper Snoop Dogg Also Deserves Imus Treatment

In one grotesque sentence in his knock against Imus, Snoop managed to get in all the ancient stereotypes about black women

Nothing Unique About Imus' Race Trash Talk

Shock jocks like Don Imus thrive because there is too much money in race trash talk and political leaders tacitly condone it

Army Fast Becoming "Broken," Say Military Brass

Unprepared in manpower and equipment to confront any new crisis

Good Friday fest Philippines Festival Draws Crucifixion Fans Worldwide

Some men use broken glass to slit their backs to enhance the goriness

U.S. Chemical Plants Must Meet New Anti-Terrorism Standards FREE!

First-ever Homeland Security inspections

Supreme Court: EPA Can Regulate Greenhouse Gas Emissions

4 dissenting conservative justices said it should be up to White House and Congress

Bush Fails to Find Backing From Mideast Sunni Leaders

"Moderate" authoritarian governments don't buy plan to create U.S.-led alliance against region's "radicals"

1 in 10 Russian Deaths Linked to Drug, Alcohol Abuse

The primary reason for accidents, injuries, poisonings, murders and suicides

1 in 3 Native Women Sexually Assaulted

Nearly all reported rapes or other sex assaults committed by non-Indian men

Bush Cuts to Population Funds Undermine Terror War

Poor countries with very large youth populations ripe for terrorist recruitment

DHS Holding Families With Children in Prison-Like Conditions

Groups inspecting Hutto center in Texas found immigrant families treated like criminals


In Absence of Iraqi Police, Vigilante Groups Springing Up FREE!

Some neighborhoods of Baghdad are no-go for police

Iraq's Yazidi Minority Demand Protection FREE!

Non-Muslim sect members singled out by gunmen

Basra Split Between Warring Shiite

Party that refused to participate in sectarian politics clashes between Sadr's militia

Iraqis Dying From Lack of Basic Emergency Services FREE!

Desperate shortage of ambulances, doctors and fire-fighting equipment

Bush "Surge" Successful - in Shifting Violence Elsewhere

"Essentially, when we squeeze the water balloon in one place, it bulges somewhere else"

Iraq Gov't Denies Gays are Targets of Killings FREE!

The groups say that the number of victims of "sexual cleansing" is growing on a daily basis

In Baqouba, Al-Qaeda Reigns

Corpses left in the street as bait for new victims

Iraq Medical Waste Resold by Dump Scavengers FREE!

Hospitals no longer burn waste because of a lack of fuel

Hundreds of Thousands Protest Occupation Anniversary in S Iraq

"Death to America!" chants unfamiliar in once-friendly area

Baghdad Refugees Speak of Escape from Hell

Afraid to leave homes, fearing death squads or American arrest

U.S. Bagdad Crackdown Only Increasing Stature of Muqtada al-Sadr

Increasing risk that a massacre in Sadr city would permit Muqtada al-Sadr and his death squads to undermine the religious authority of Ayatollah Sistani and shatter the political authority of Prime Minister Al-Maliki


Bush - Congress Showdown Over Iraq Set With Senate Vote

"It's not going to prevail on one (Senate) vote, or two, but it will after five, six, seven"

Democrats' Timetable Allows Iraq War to Continue Indefinitely

Loopholes leave large number of U.S. troops in Iraq

Does Cheney Have a Problem With Women? FREE!

Condemnation of Pelosi part of a pattern

Attacks on Pelosi a Flashback to Elliott Abrams' Attack on '87 Speaker

Bush and Syria today, Reagan and Nicaragua then

Jesse's Nod Won't Help Obama

Jackson everything he can to micromanage a role for himself on the national political scene


Stunned Korean American Community Reacts to Virginia Tech Shootings

Massacre Exposes America's Campus Violence

Virgina Tech Killings Came Day After NRA Convention Warning of Massacre FREE!

Asians Waited Anxiously on News of Virginia Tech Identity

Iraq's Enforced Democracy
Iraqis cast ballots in the 2005 national elections under U.S. guard   PHOTO: USMC

FREE! Many Iraqis might have dreamed about democracy, but what they got instead was occupation. The U.S. government, despite much rhetoric about democracy, imposed its own political structures on Iraq, agreed to more representative procedures and institutions only when pushed to do so by the Iraqi people, presided over the breakdown of civil order, and violated the human rights of tens of thousands of Iraqi citizens. In short, Washington acted as an occupation force. By associating its actions with democracy promotion, it ended up giving democracy a bad name.

The Bush administration's declaration that American forces are no longer an occupation force but are there at the request of a sovereign Iraqi government has not been enough to assuage most Iraqis. This is the same rationalization used by the Soviets in Afghanistan and by the United States in South Vietnam -- unpopular dictatorships that came to power and maintained their control only as result of superpower intervention.

President Bush and his supporters still insist that Iraq is a model of "democracy" that other countries in the region should emulate. Just as the Soviets gave "socialism" a bad name through their conquest and occupation of Afghanistan, the U.S. conquest and occupation of Iraq along with subsequent events in that country have, in the eyes of many Muslims worldwide, tarnished the reputation of democracy

Gore Slams Canada's New Climate Plan as "Fraud" FREE!

"It is designed to mislead the Canadian people"

Canada Backs off Global Warming Pledge

Canada's third climate action plan in less than two years

Government Insurance Plans Ill-Prepared for Climate Perils FREE!

Fed flood, crop insurance programs ignore increased risks from global warming

Final IPCC Report Predicts Catastrophic Future From Climate Change

Hundreds of millions face disaster starting within a few years

Security Council to Take Up Climate Change

Global warming as threat to world peace

Military Panel: Climate Change Threatens U.S. National Security FREE!

"We will pay for this one way or another," said retired Marine Corps General Anthony Zinni

To Drill or Not to Drill Off the Florida Coast

Proposed bill would allow drilling only 45 miles off coast

Arctic Ice Retreating 30 Years Ahead of Projections FREE!

 arctic ice
Arctic Ocean sea ice breaking up in March   Photo: James Hannigan/UCAR

Melting 3x faster than computer models predicted

Enviros Target Nestle Bottled Water Operations

Sierra Club says Nestle's spring water bottling causing evironmental damage

Lawsuits Could Sink Bush's Faith-Based Initiatives

Supreme Court will decide soon if groups can challenge constitutionality of state-supported religious programs

Arab Leaders Propose Another Land-for-Peace Deal With Israel

Also includes Palestinian right of return and compensation

UN Left With Job of Cleaning up 1 Million Unexploded Israeli Bombs in Lebanon

About 1 unexploded bomb per person

Israeli Documentary Reveals Egyptian POWs Slaughtered After 1967 War

Israel government denies unarmed soldiers massacred

200,000 Israeli Families Relying on Food Handouts FREE!

Half of the Israelis living in poverty say they have no hope for a better life

Israeli PM Olmert Approval Rate at 2%

Lowest-ever recorded rating of an Israeli prime minister

Black Market In Tobacco Making Prisons More Violent

"It's becoming a better market than drugs"

BCCI Was Link Between Saddam and Osama - And Bush

Saudi bank invested in sons of both George HW Bush and Salem bin Laden


Joe Conason Wolfowitz' Putting Our Worst Foot Forward

A Selective Definition of Voter Fraud

Giuliani's Dubious Leadership

McCain's Magic Carpet Ride


Robert Scheer Bush Blames the Troops

Heck of a Job, Wolfie

Iraqis Finally Unite -- Against the U.S.

Supreme Court Makes Tortured Decision


Alexander Cockburn Is Global Warming a Sin?'

How to Stop the Next Campus Killings

Rudy's White House Hopes Dogged by New Wife's Old Job


Steve Young Pundits Should Take a Clue From Jon Stewart

Newsweek's Shocking Ignorance of Shock Jocks

Who Will Replace Imus?

Was That Really You, Geraldo?

FREE! From the president on down, Americans currently in positions of power live in the proverbial, impermeable bubble that apparently renders them impervious to all sound other than their own voices and those of various acolytes saying, "You betcha, boss."

This "don't-say-yes-until-I-finish-talking" attitude obviously is what afflicts our chief executive and his vice president as they continue to ignore antiwar public opinion and the deadly truth on the ground in Iraq. It afflicts our inept yes man of an attorney general as he runs the Justice Department in a manner like "some ungainly combination of a Young Republicans summer camp and Michael Brown's FEMA," as Josh Marshall wrote.

But it's in Iraq that the recalcitrance of the bubble-bound powerful and unhearing has been most tragic. Last Wednesday, roughly 230 were killed in Iraq (nearly seven times the number of those killed at Virginia Tech). That same day, meeting with Congressional leadership, President Bush reportedly "bristled" when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid attempted to breach the bubble, comparing the current situation to Vietnam, when lives were lost long after it was clear victory was not to be. "I reject that," the president is supposed to have said

Albion Monitor
Issue 156

Editor: Jeff Elliott (

The Albion Monitor is currently published as an ongoing newspaper by Wayward Press Inc, POB 1733, Sebastopol, CA 95473

Subscriptions $9.95/yr