Albion Monitor

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January 31, 1996



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FREE! Enviro Groups Endorse Reilly, Koenigshofer Unprecedented alliance of organizations for upcoming election

New Congressional Move Against Internet Telephone company would set "market rate" price for access

Radical Right Attack on Cartoonist Backfires Attempts to silence gay journalist by American Family Association

FREE! Don't Cut EPA, Public Tells GOP Polls show strong support for enviro protection

Radioactive Weapons Possible Cause of "Gulf War Syndrome" Army coverup, group alleges

Disney, Others Exploit Haitian Labor Sewing clothes for 7 cents per hour

Wetland Regulations Inadequate New study shows uplands importance

Poverty is Infant Health Risk Debunks myths about race, lifestyle

Rainforest Wood Used in Cheap Furniture Japan importing hardwoods for throw-away items

Trial of Bomb Conspiracy "Prophet" Delayed Allegedly planned terrorist attack against women's clinics

Ozone Destroyers Become Toothpaste Surprising discovery finds new use for CFC's

Enviro T-Shirts Banned at Auto Show Activists accuse show managers of being "fashion police"


Genetic Dilemmas Complex ethical, legal, and social questions are emerging from new science discoveries

Better Learning Through Chemistry Schools, parents, and doctors are getting Ritalin Religion to control unruly kids

Harvest or Homes? The suburbanization of California's Central Valley approaches


FREE! Losing our Police to the Drug War Turning our citizen police force into Drug War soldiers

True Indecency on the Internet Alcohol, tobacco ads abound

Sara Peyton Overexposure

Ending (Corporate) Welfare Stop giving away billions to wealthy corporations

Mark Lowenthal Spies and Watchdogs

Letters Dear Newt, Dear Frank Riggs...


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Albion Monitor January 31, 1996

Editor: Jeff Elliott (
Publisher: Darryl Trujillo (
FAX: (707) 824-0549

The Albion Monitor is currently published twice monthly by Monitor Publishing, POB 1025, Occidental CA 95465.

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