Late September, 1997 |
Some of the BEST FEATURES from past issues |
Pat Robertson Caught Making Illegal Plans For Election Influence Watchdog group releases tape of closed-door session of Christian Coalition Chairman describing plans to control next election Native Groups Across U.S. / Mexico Border Form Alliance To protect right to travel ancestral territory without border police harassment Native Canadian Court Victory Raises Hope In U.S. Requires review of corporate activities on tribal land before projects begin Bioprospecting Planned For Yellowstone Park Corporations seek to patent enzymes of microorganisms found in geothermal pools Growing Euro Blockade of U.S. Genetic Engineered Food Altered corn, soybeans, already in American supermarkets Clinton Blasted on Landmines Decision Army lobbied to keep mines in Korea China Hooked On Smokes China's army of smokers now larger than the entire population of the United States Italian City Offers Bounty For Undocumented Immigrants One of the wealthiest regions in Europe asks residents to help pay for reward Little Care Given To Ag Use of Foreign Plants, Bugs Industry careless in releasing new species to control pests U.S. Helped Suppress India Protests, Group Charges Women activists beaten by police allegedly hired by corporations Air Pollution Statistics Often "Grossly Unreliable," Study Finds Depends on industry to self-reported estimates of the amount of pollutants put into the air Privatization of Mexican Banks Only Boon To Foreign Investors Government bailout after speculators bought up assets and stock World Bank, Others Keep Enviro Problems Secret Finance boardroom decisions stonewall public disclosure, ignore project drawbacks
Ollie North's Victory Party The Iran-contran you love to hate shows that he not only can bring peace to the world, but can also throw a swell bash for his friends -- "I don't think I've seen so many members of Congress since I was subpoenaed," North joked
Fast Track to Nowhere Clinton wants authority to make "fast track" NAFTA-type deals with no accountability Who's To Blame For The Tabloidization Of The News? The news media aren't bringing the people real facts anymore, and won't until the owners and editors hear otherwise Jim Hightower The Long Reach of Burma's Bloody Dictators The Empty Goals of Reverend Al Sharpton's run for mayor is consistent with his destructive past Corrupt Washington Distracts Public With Sideshows Fuss over IRS hearings, Clinton-Gore fundraising are efforts to sidetrack the public from the real problems corrupting political parties and government Norman Solomon Media's Shallow Sympathies
( Issue 36
Editor: Jeff Elliott ( The Albion Monitor is currently published as an ongoing newspaper by Monitor Publishing, POB 1025, Occidental CA 95465. Subscription is free
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