Today, it would seem the worst name you can call anyone is "Nazi." So not
to misunderstand his blatant bile, Bill will explain that when he calls
you a Nazi, he doesn't mean you are actually a Nazi; only that you use
Nazi tactics. You know. Like when you call someone a rapist, you don't
mean they're a rapist; only that they use rapist's tactics. That's so,
when he's holding a knife to your throat while he forces you to have sex,
you don't think he's that bad a guy.
Oh, Bill's used the Nazi name-calling before, but this past week it
seemed like he had nothing else left in his quiver of sophomoric
blasphemes. Of the many on the hit list were George Soros, Mediamatters,
The New York Times and Peter Lewis. The nazification of Soros, a
Hungarian Jew who himself escaped the real Nazi killing camps is probably
the most shameful of them all. Vomit-inducing.
Still, based on Bill's history, one has to believe he's capable of far
You wonder if Bill would spend less time persuading his mirror that he is
the prettiest in all the kingdom, he might recognize the reflection of a
man who trumpets his claim to be the main guy responsible to look out all
for the "Folks;" a power hungry narcissist who demeans, scapegoats and
aspires to eliminate secular-progressives; a man whose own personal call
to Volksgemeinschaft is detailed in his best-selling "Meine Kultur
Above all, it makes one wonder if Bill started out his illustrious career
as a house painter.
Still, with all his success, you've got to give Bill credit for getting
so many to believe in him.
All together now: Sieg heil. Sieg heil. Sieg heil.
EGREGIOUS INSULT TO CIVILITY #2: In an attempt to paint Bush's firing of
the federal prosecutors as the same thing and, in fact, not as bad as
what was done under Clinton, BillO was taken to task by his sidekick, Lis
Wiehl who said he was wrong. Bill said Clinton fired all federal
prosecutors at the beginning of his term (but forgot to mention that
George I also fired all his prosecutors). Lis said Clinton didn't fire
anyone in between his terms. Bill said she was wrong (she was right).
Bill said there would be transcripts taken in the hearing procedure that
Bush would go along with. Wiehl said there wouldn't be (she was right).
Bill called her a liar; said she was misinforming the "folks," then had
her mike turned off.
After the break, O'Reilly allowed Wiehl back on the show.
He pulled back slightly and said that he found out that no official
transcripts would be taken but that Patrick Leahy (Committee Chairman)
would have someone taking notes and that if anyone lie he would run to
the microphones. A caller said Republicans on the committee would spin
Leahy's conclusion. Bill said that wouldn't happen. If it did it would be
unprecedented. Democrats and Republicans questioning what each other
said, unprecedented? Wait till Bill plays that back.
There was no mention of how rudely he treated her until a caller asks
Wiehl why she let Bill being so disrespectful? Bill called it "robust
Bill said "we don't deserve to know" what the president does. Best part?
Bill said running his office was like being the President of the United
My question is...when can we vote Bill out?
EGREGIOUS INSULT TO CIVILITY #3: One day during the last presidential
campaign Bill O'Reilly said that he would not bring partisans on to The
Factor to discuss the election because they would only be spinning the
same ol' same ol' and just rehashing their side's nothing-new and biased
talking points.
"We learn nothing new and that's not what we're about," reminded the
always blunt, looking-out-for-you host. Not grasping the screaming comic
irony, Bill brought on Newt Gingrich and Dick Morris to discuss John
Forward fast to the present: Bill explains the legitimacy of Morris's
appearance on Fox this week by saying that because Morris admits
despising Hillary Clinton -- so much so that he regularly panhandles for
contributions to complete his Hillary hit-piece film -- the "folks" will
know where he's coming from, so that his assessments of Hillary's
campaign will provide them with information that can be judged properly
once adequately digested.
Having Morris objectively analyze the subject of his commentary that he
makes a living ripping, might seem irrational. Irrationality on The
Factor? Puh-leeze.
Actually it's really quite logical. It just takes a little bit math and a
little bit biology, but if you're willing to make the effort, learning
from Fox, Bill and Dick can be lots of fun.
Here's how it works:
Let's say Morris is waxing political on Democrats as a whole, you should
figure in at least a 50 degree correction to your absorption angle. If he
hones in on Hillary, you need only take in somewhere around 4 percent. Sound
complicated. Not if you apply what you learned in tenth grade biology.
Once you take in or masticate Morris' words, your exocrine glands will
release digestive enzymes which aid in the breakdown of the fabrication.
Salivation helps condense Morris's fact-like material into a bolus that
can be more easily swallowed. Your body will make adaptations to prevent
choking on Morris's blather.
The information enters the esophageal sphincter and is further broken
apart through a process of heuristic churning and digestive enzymes that
is essential in the breakdown of propaganda.
Processed in the stomach, the information byproduct is passed to the
small intestine through the pyloric sphincter. This is where most of the
digestive process occurs as the truth and distortion melange is engulfed
with bile, pancreatic juice and enzymes where most actual factual
absorption takes place.
After going through the small intestine, the misinformation excess goes
to the large intestine. Thus the 99 percent of Morris's punditry that cannot be
digested becomes the crap disseminated on The
Of course, an overload of Fox nuts can exacerbate digestive bloviation
and cause the dreaded Irrational Vowel Syndrome.
Fox News. Fair, balanced and highly excretable.
Steve's latest blatant infomercial is available on YouTube and well worth five minutes, eighteen seconds of your time
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