Now I don't know who is actually in charge of the homicides of those innocent...cells, but it would seem to me that if the President really means what he says, he will be going after every one of these killers and throw the Texas gas chamber at 'em. Whomever he or they are, they'll be killing more of those little lives than Saddam ever did, and we certainly
didn't let him get away with it. And you just have to know that if they
think so little of those little...lives, how much of a stretch is it to
think they might be tortured and, God forbid, abused in rape rooms,
albeit in very small rape rooms by very tiny rapists, but raped all the
same. Tortured and raped little bitty cells. And don't get me started
on cell porn. Worse, kiddie cell porn. It's all over the net. Cells that
could be mine or yours. Or, God forbid, your children's cells.
Add to that the hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of more
cells...lives -- I can't be sure what to call them, but it doesn't matter
what they're called, we're talking about living, breathing -- okay, they
don't breathe but one day, maybe, strapped up to some sort of cell-life
supporting equipment -- that (or who) could be tortured, raped and
slaughtered through private funding.
Mr. President, your White House Chief of Staff, Josh Bolton, on this
Sunday's "Meet The Press," said that, well, what your handlers always
"This president will not pay attention to polls. He will be
doing what he believes is right."
Is it right to let these people get away with murder of American cells on
U.S. soil? Who cares where the funding comes from. It's as plain as the
mug on yer face. Moida is moida, I tells ya!
But the fact is, the President won't be chasing down those cell killers
and rapists. Why? Because he knows it's not about core rights and wrongs.
It's about core voters. And because this President's rights have been
wrong way too many times.
Take Iraq. I mean, he tried to. Do we have enough unused embryonic stem
cells to count how many times he's been wrong there?
His defense is that he makes his war decisions based on what he was told
by the commanders on the ground. One can only conclude that the
commanders on the ground must have had no idea what they were doing or --
get the talk shows hosts ready to pounce -- the president is lying.
Perhaps Mr. Bolton means that those times he has been wrong, he still
thought he was right. Then he's not a liar at all. He's an idiot. Or it
maybe it's what I've always thought: the man has the worst judgement in
the world.
Bolton said that in dealing with the stem cell funding, federal or
private, a balance needs to be struck. What? A balance between
federally-funded murder and privately funded murder? Good murder and bad
No, Bolton said that the President recognizes that there are other
Americans who believe that it important research (over 70 percent) and a balance
has to be struck with those folks. Wait a minute. Isn't that paying
attention to polls?
I realize that he wants us to believe that what he's doing is right, but
if he wants the American public to believe him at his word, he's going to
have to follow through and do that by bringing the privately-funded
homicidal cell killers and rapists to justice...unless what he really is
saying is that...
Murder is okay as long as we don't fund murder. Then, he'd have to let
Osama go. Oh, forgot. He already did.
Steve Young, author of "Great Failures of the Extremely Successful" and the forthcoming "15 Minutes" (Harper Collins). Steve's column can be read every Sunday in the LA Daily News Op-Ed page (right next to Bill O'Reilly)
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July 22, 2006 (http://www.albionmonitor.com)All Rights Reserved. Contact rights@monitor.net for permission to use in any format. |