But the Democrats' scored their biggest advantage this week when most of
them did not get behind a Republican resolution to support the Bush
policy that has resulted in the deaths of 2500 American soldiers as well
as the over 100,000 Iraqis who never asked for the policy in the first
The politically-motivated vote will likely backfire on Republicans as a
large majority of Americans believe that the President's decision to
invade Iraq was not worth it. Now the Republicans have gone on record
saying that the majority of Americans are wrong.
The Republican-controlled congress will be facing a tough uphill battle
as the resolution also put Republicans on record saying to U.S. soldiers
-- and their families -- that it's okay that we have no idea when they'll
be coming home unless they are dead, horribly injured or gay.
While House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio), declared that
"Achieving victory is our only option," the Republicans refused to
outline what that "victory" would entail. That in itself could seal the
majority party's fate as most Americans no longer seem to buy rhetoric
over action.
This was also a week where Republicans re-energized the obvious Karl
Rove-supplied talking point, "cut and run," to describe John Murtha and
John Kerry. It's still hard to gauge how difficult it will be to defend
the fact that both men volunteered for war ime duty while so many
Republicans -- led by the likes of Rove, Vice President Dick Cheney and just
about every radio talk show host -- "cut and ran" when they had a chance to
serve in the Armed Forces during wartime, yet seem to have no problem
sending someone else's children into harm's way. Add to that the fact
that neither Murtha or Kerry actually advocates either "cutting" or
"running," but rather a careful watch from the borders of someopne else's
civil war, should also give Democrats another arrow in the quiver as
Republicans will surely be facing tough questioning on the Sunday morning
talk shows concerning their continued shams and misleading phraseology.
If the Republicans continue to throw up wedge non-issues like gay
marriage, flag-burning and the still pending, swallow prohibition, while
ignoring problems that Americans really care about -- affordable
healthcare, outsourcing and bringing our boys and girls home -- issues
that the Republicans have indeed "cut and run" from, this November
mid-term could truly turn Washington upside down.
It will be difficult for President Bush and his Congress to bounce back
from a week that Democrats may ride all the way to the fall election.
Oh, and I almost forgot. Ann Coulter.
Back to you, Brit.
Steve Young, author of "Great Failures of the Extremely Successful" can be read every Sunday in the LA Daily News Op-Ed page (right next to Bill O'Reilly) Comments? Send a letter to the editor.Albion Monitor
June 17, 2006 (http://www.albionmonitor.com)All Rights Reserved. Contact rights@monitor.net for permission to use in any format. |