Bill sexually harasses subordinate employees and then rails against rappers for their sexism.
Bill writes and voices his own sleazy novel, then followups with a book of his morality suggestions for kids.
Bill says he gets more inside military information than congressman John Murtha.
To top off his dive into Bizarro World, this week Bill claimed he knows how reasonable people would act in a reasonable world, saying that, "...in a sane world, every country would unite against Iran and blow it off the face of the earth." Remember, those are Bill's reasonable people.
Perhaps the best moment in entertainment last week was when a caller mentioned Keith Olberman's show. Bill threatened that he would turn the caller's personal information to "Fox Security" and warned that he will continue to do so when callers say something "untoward, obscene, or anything like that," and that "Fox security then will contact your local authorities."
The same week Bill told everyone over 80 -- I mean, his demographic -- that "MSNBC's ratings are a disaster," even though the actual numbers show that most every cable news network, including MSNBC, has increased ratings. Um...except FOX.
To help out MSNBC, Bill pushed for his arch-enemy -- or at least, his foe when Franken isn't handy -- Keith Olberman to be replaced by Phil Donahue, the same guy he said was "clueless" in their last TV get together on Bill's show. Keeping in mind that Olberman has higher ratings than his conservative counterparts on MSNBC, it seems Bill's efforts are less helpful than retaliatory.
Still, Bill was so concerned with helping MSNBC, he turned the possibility over to the folks in his completely unbiased Factor Poll.
But since O'Reilly's numbers are actually down 21 percent, to help out FOX, I'd like the Albion Monitor folks to vote on whether FOX should replace O'Reilly with Deputy Dawg. Or, if you have another idea, please feel free to make your own suggestion.
Although, I have to admit, I would miss Bill.
For O'Reilly, Mr. Cavett, is truly entertainment.
Steve Young, author of "Great Failures of the Extremely Successful" can be read every Sunday in the LA Daily News Op-Ed page (right next to Bill O'Reilly)
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March 11, 2006 (http://www.albionmonitor.com) All Rights Reserved. Contact rights@monitor.net for permission to use in any format. |