Albion Monitor

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May 5, 1996


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FREE! Public Art: Whose Version of History? Native people protest San Francisco monument to "pioneers"

Clinton Backslides on Forest Protection No repeal soon of salvage rider law

Paint, Oil Companies Win Lead-Poison Fund Case Contribution to children's fund no longer required

FREE! State Senator Tied to Freemen Movement But Senate refuses to censure for "white citizen" documents

Hundreds of Immigrants Die at Texas-Mexico Border New Border Patrol force won't stop deaths or illegal immigration

Illinois Dispute Brings up Specter of East Timor Strikers accuse management of link to Indonesian regime

New Discovery Defies Indian Migration Theory Native people in Americas longer than believed

Guyana to Examine Gold Mining Damage Tracking enviro damage for first time

Nuclear Testing Legacy Remains Tracking survivors of U.S. tests

Poverty Lowers IQ, Study Says "Persistent poverty" more important than race

Flap Over Confederate Flag at Atlanta Olympics Protests over "stars and bars" on Georgia flag

U.S. Firm Exports Hazardous Pesticide Uniroyal still selling pesticide banned in U.S.

Florida Spinach Wars State calls Asian vegetable a noxious weed

Birth Controlled


New long-lasting contraceptives bring women more control over their own lives -- or do they?

Empowered or Entrapped?
Safety of Fail-Safe Contraceptives
Seeking Approval
Birth Control or Jail
Birth Controlling the Third World
"The Shot" in Indian Country
Norplant on Trial
A Man's Share

Healing in Chernobyl's Shadow On the tenth anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, a grassroots movement forms to heal the community


Mark Lowenthal Unclear on the Concept

Sara Peyton The Unkindest Cuts

Kim Goldberg The Christian Coalition Comes to Canada

FREE! The Disinformation War How the Right jiggers the welfare numbers

A Peek at Our Mega-Merger Future Humor

Letters With new reader feedback

Newspaper Archives

Resource Pages

Albion Monitor May 5, 1996

Editor: Jeff Elliott (
Publisher: Darryl Trujillo (
FAX: (707) 824-0549

The Albion Monitor is currently published twice monthly by Monitor Publishing, POB 1025, Occidental CA 95465.

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