Albion Monitor /Features

Healing in the Shadow of Chernobyl

by Diana Scott On the tenth anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, a grassroots movement forms to heal the community

Empowered or Entrapped?

by Karen Hawkins and Jeff Elliott Do Norplant and Depo Provera offer a new future of empowerment for women, or place them more under the control of others?

Safety of Fail-Safe Contraceptives

by Karen Hawkins and Jeff Elliott What are Norplant and Depo Provera, and what are the health risks that the manufacturers don't reveal?

Seeking Approval

by Karen Hawkins and Jeff Elliott Controversies surrounding the long-running efforts to obtain FDA approval of Depo Provera

Birth Control or Jail

by Karen Hawkins and Jeff Elliott Judges and politicians continue to use birth control as punishment

Birth Controlling the Third World

by Jeff Elliott In countries like Bangladesh, Norplant brings a new set of problems for women as well as hope

"The Shot" in Indian Country

by Karen Hawkins Are Native women coerced into using Depo Provera, despite their additional risk factors?

Norplant on Trial

by Jeff Elliott Facing a massive class action lawsuit, the makers of Norplant claim the victim's role

A Man's Share

by Amy Cooper Corporations refuse to research new means of contraception -- particularly for men

Albion Monitor May 5, 1996 (

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