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December 21, 1995


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FREE! State Loosens Gasoline Spill Cleanup Rules No cleanup required in many cases

FREE! Bear Lincoln Murder Charges Renewed Prosecution and defense reveal trial strategy at hearing

Bleak Christmas for Detroit Newspaper Strikers Striking workers in trouble after five months on picket line

Congressional Deal to Muzzle the Internet Vague "indecency" ban called threat to free speech

Global Warming no Longer Questioned But U.S. and other "Carbon Club" nations reject findings

NAFTA Environmental Protection Toothless, Say Critics NAFTA environmental commission proves powerless

Military Wants More Arms Trafficking Selling more weapons abroad

U.S. Companies Still Export Banned Pesticides Illegal in U.S. because health threats

Tim Ream Declares Victory, Ends Fast 75-day hunger strike ends with bill to repeal salvage logging

Argentina's Dictatorship of the Perfect Body Obsession with slimness and beauty even affects children

Promising Anti-AIDS Compound in Native Plant Common bush used by Native Americans

Christmas Gifts for Corporate PAC's Political donations pay off well for big corporations

Ad Agency Offers Top 10 Flubs of 1995 And it seemed like such a good idea at the time...


Live! On Stage! A look at on-line visits by "celebrities"

Innocents Lost Mothers of gay children who have committed suicide

Stealth Strategy Inside view of the Christian Coalition


FREE! Last Stop Before the Censorship State Will the government become the Internet censor?

Mark Lowenthal Mortgaging the Fourth Estate

Ignorance is Strength The politics behind Global Warming science

Congressional Budget Spells Ruin for Family Farms Goodbye Mom 'n' Pop, hello agribusiness

Steve Forbes and the Flat Tax How would a multi-millionaire do under a flat tax?

Letters Sez who? Sez me!


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Albion Monitor December 21, 1995

Editor: Jeff Elliott (
Publisher: Darryl Trujillo (
FAX: (707) 824-0549

The Albion Monitor is currently published twice monthly by Monitor Publishing, POB 1025, Occidental CA 95465.

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