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September 18, 1995
Some Changes...
Largest crowd ever turns out to stop logging.
Eyewitnesses Report on Rainforest Cyanide Disaster Damage worse than first reports. Little Control of Off-Road Vehicles on Public Land Foresters unable to track, repair damage. Scientists Defend Endangered Species Act Act needs to be strengthened, not eliminated. Watchdog Group Tracks Military Waste Billions unaccounted for. Whites Unprepared to Become Future Minority Will whites still oppose affirmative action when they're the minority? West Publishing Puts Itself up for Sale Controversial publisher surprises analysts. Concealed Weapons Laws Increase Homicides Opposite of NRA claims. Rainforest Lumber Brings Big Bucks at Election Time Nation eager to sell forest for pennies. Boom in Florida as Weed is Harvested as Natural Cure Herb spurs gold rush.
Serious questions are raised about the ethics of a publisher providing cash gifts and free vacations to federal judges -- including most members of the Supreme Court.
Blunder From Down Under What's not to like about eucalyptus? Plenty, it turns out.
Is it News if Supreme Court Justices Freeload?
Is the West feature important?
Palm Terrace Four views on long-fought development. A Change of Season Surprising developments for the Idaho and Montana militias. Packwood's Style Not News in Oregon Voters not surprised by revelations. Letters Comments on our last issue.
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Editor: Jeff Elliott (editor@monitor.net)
Publisher: Darryl Trujillo (pub@monitor.net)
FAX: (707) 824-0549
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