The only reason why Murdoch might respect the Journal's independence, at least in the opinion pages, is that the views expressed there are even more rabid than Murdoch's, and perhaps he savors the possibility that one day he might call up Paul Gigot, the editorial page editor, and hint that he might moderate his tone.
The Journal's editorial stance of fanatic neo-connery was established by the late Robert Bartley from the mid-'70s onward, and his pages bulged with every mad fantasy of the Cold War lobby. (I did an enjoyable 10-year stint on these same pages as the token left guest columnist, barking every three weeks at the political and corporate elites from my kennel on the op-ed page.) Bartley led the charge against effete liberalism, and since by the late '70s, American liberalism had thoroughly lost its nerve and really was effete, Bartley carried the day, by far the most influential editorial page editor in American journalism. More than its sometimes excellent reporting, Bartley gave the Journal its high profile in Washington as well as on Wall Street.
From the moment Murdoch made his famous $60 a share offer, the actual sale has not been an edifying sight. But then, a Gadarene-like stampede for money seldom is. The final sale was consummated when Murdoch agreed to throw in a sweetener -- as much as $40 million -- for the bankers and lawyers standing at the Bancroft family elbow and, with supposed dispassion, advising them what to do. Merrill Lynch, urging the Bancrofts to sell, is promized $18.5 million for this wise counsel, which, derisive commentators have suggested, may not have been entirely objective.
Analysts of the media industry have turned out thousands of words about the synergies and kindred virtues consequent upon Murdoch's successful bid. Maybe so. In such takeovers, things seldom go according to plan. But for now, Murdoch has carried the day, acquiring for a monstrous sum an over-praised newspaper in poor straits.
Call it his revenge for the story the Journal ran about Murdoch's Chinese wife, Wendi Deng, in November 2000, methodically detailing the romantic liaisons that helped her to the United States, and ultimately to a very powerful position in the Murdoch empire at her husband's side, particularly in assisting in Murdoch's business relationships with the People's Republic. The piece was not unflattering to Ms. Deng's achievements, but also not one that Murdoch would be unlikely to forget or forgive. During the recent sale, six Journal staffers in the paper's Chinese bureau signed a public letter expressing fears that Murdoch's commercial interests would compromise the paper's reporting on China. Murdoch is unlikely to forget or forgive that either. This is a saga for Dumas or Balzac.
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