The remark was made by Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmett, the U.S. Central Command deputy commander for planning and strategy in Iraq. The HRF report released Feb. 22 charged that in close to half the deaths surveyed by the organization, the cause of death remains officially undetermined or unannounced. Overall, eight people in U.S. custody were tortured to death, the report says.
The report, entitled "Command's Responsibility," says that of the 34 homicide cases so far identified by the military, investigators recommended criminal charges in fewer than two-thirds, and charges were actually brought (based on decisions made by command) in less than half.
While the Central Intelligence Agency has been implicated in several deaths, no CIA agent has faced a criminal charge, the report says. "Among the worst cases -- detainees tortured to death -- only half have resulted in punishment and the harshest sentence for anyone involved in a torture-related death has been five months in jail."
The exchange with Kimmett occurred at a press conference Sunday in Iraq, when he was asked:
"Gen. Kimmett, there's a human rights organization today in the States that's called Human Rights First. They said that around 100 detainees from Afghanistan and Iraq have died in the prisons. What's your comment on this?"
The response from Kimmett was: "Well, my comment is that's propaganda; it's not correct.
"I would defer to the Department of Defense, who would more than happy to give you all the information regarding the number of situations inside the detention centers in which people have died and for whatever reason," he added.
HRF reports that Adm. John Hutson sent Kimmett a personal letter with a copy of the report, urging that he rethink his public remarks.
Among the report's other findings is that commanders have failed to report deaths of detainees in the custody of their command, reported the deaths only after a period of days and sometimes weeks, or actively interfered in efforts to pursue investigations..
Investigators have failed to interview key witnesses, collect useable evidence, or maintain evidence that could be used for any subsequent prosecution, according to the report. Record-keeping has been inadequate, further undermining chances for effective investigation or appropriate prosecution, the report charges.
In addition, overlapping criminal and administrative investigations have compromized chances for accountability, while overbroad classification of information and other investigation restrictions have left CIA and Special Forces essentially immune from accountability, the report says. It says that agencies have failed to disclose critical information, including the cause or circumstance of death, in close to half the cases examined.
Charging that there is an "accountability gap," HRF says closing it will require "a zero-tolerance approach to commanders who fail to take steps to provide clear guidance, and who allow unlawful conduct to persist on their watch."
The report recommends that President Bush, as commander-in-chief, "move immediately to fully implement the ban on cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment (known as the McCain Amendment) passed overwhelmingly by the U.S. Congress and signed into law on December 30, 2005."
It also demands that "the President, the U.S. military, and relevant intelligence agencies should take immediate steps to make clear that all acts of torture and abuse are taken seriously -- not from the moment a crime becomes public, but from the moment the United States sends troops and agents into the field."
Congress, the report suggests, "should at long last establish an independent, bipartisan commission to review the scope of U.S. detention and interrogation operations worldwide in the 'war on terror.' Such a commission could investigate and identify the systemic causes of failures that lead to torture, abuse, and wrongful death, and chart a detailed and specific path going forward to make sure those mistakes never happen again."
The group notes that the proposal for a commission has been endorsed by Republican and Democratic members of Congress, former presidents and leaders in the U.S. military itself.
Deborah Pearlstein, director of HRF's U.S. Law and Security Program, told IPS that the Pentagon's detention policies have repeatedly been criticized by military lawyers and health officials, but their objections have largely been ignored.
Most recently, it was revealed that one of the Pentagon's top civilian lawyers repeatedly challenged the Bush administration's policy on the coercive interrogation of terror suspects, arguing that such practices violated the law, verged on torture and could ultimately expose senior officials to prosecution.
Alberto J. Mora's campaign underscores how contrary views were often brushed aside in administration debates on the subject.
"Even if one wanted to authorize the U.S. military to conduct coercive interrogations, as was the case in Guantanamo, how could one do so without profoundly altering its core values and character?" Mora, the outgoing general counsel of the U.S. Navy and a conservative Republican, asked the Pentagon's chief lawyer, William J. Haynes II, in a 22-page memorandum.
The Pentagon has declined to comment on specific assertions in Mora's memorandum.
"Detainee operations and interrogation policies have been scrutinized under a microscope, from all different angles," a spokesperson said. "It was found that it was not a Department of Defense policy to encourage or condone torture."
The HRF report notes that "It is difficult to assess the systemic adequacy of punishment when so few have been punished, and when the deliberations of juries and commanders are largely unknown.
"Nonetheless, two patterns clearly emerge and are documented in Command's Responsibility: (1) because of investigative and evidentiary failures, accountability for wrongdoing has been limited at best, and almost non-existent for command; and (2) commanders have played a key role in undermining chances for full accountability."
It adds, "In dozens of cases documented in the report, grossly inadequate reporting, investigation, and follow-through have left no one at all responsible for homicides and other unexplained deaths.
"Commanders have failed both to provide troops clear guidance, and to take crimes seriously by insisting on vigorous investigations. And command responsibility itself -- the law that requires commanders to be held liable for the unlawful acts of their subordinates about which they knew or should have known -- has been all but forgotten."
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March 3, 2006 (http://www.albionmonitor.com) All Rights Reserved. Contact rights@monitor.net for permission to use in any format. |