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by Eric Jackson |
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[Editor's note: In August, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott wrote a letter to Defense Secretary William Cohen that quickly became a cause celebre among conservatives. Lott charged that China would soon control a "strategic choke point" over entrances to both sides of the Panama Canal. "It appears that we have given away the farm without a shot being fired," Lott charged. "U.S. naval ships will be at the mercy of Chinese-controlled pilots and could even be denied passage," Lott said, calling the company with contracts for the ports "an arm of the People's Liberation Army."
This was reported in the Washington Times under a front-page headline, "China company grabs power over Panama Canal." In its typical unobjective fashion, the newspaper reported, "Military experts say a pattern of Chinese actions reveals a long-range strategic plan to dominate Asia and exert influence worldwide. The moves include its forays in Panama, its failed attempt to take over the old Long Beach, Calif., naval base, its suspected spying at U.S. nuclear labs, its illegal injection of campaign cash into Democratic Party coffers and its increased military spending, especially on nuclear weapons. " In reality, the company that won the 1997 bid was Hong Kong-based Hutchison Whampoa, a well-respected firm managing 19 other ports around the world. (Losing the contract was American-owned Bechtel.) Under the Panamanian treaty with the U.S., the American Navy keep the right to use the canal anytime they want, even cutting ahead of other waiting ships. Asian newspapers were blistering in their criticism of Lott and other conservatives. The South China Morning Post suggested that the accusations skirt racism, or at least demonstrate a howling ignorance about the Asian economic system. "Mr. Lott has come to the bizarre conclusion that allowing one of the world's most successful port operators to run some facilities in the Panama Canal might jeopardize U.S. national security," the Post said. "In the future, it would be helpful if Mr. Lott and his ilk think before they speak. In particular, they could consider the damage such conspiracy theories can do to their own country when Sino-US relations are passing through such a delicate period."]
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Dana Rohrabacher (R - California) is coming down to Panama on a working
visit. He says he wants to investigate the Panama Ports Company, the local
subsidiary of Hong Kong-based Hutchison Whampoa that runs the port
facilities at Cristobal and Balboa. Why he bothers, I don't know -- before he
announced his trip or did the least bit of investigation, he declared that
the "Red Chinese" control Panama Canal pilot assignments and can block the
passage of ships through the waterway.
It might be dismissed as shooting from the hip by an obscure solon from the extreme fringes, but for the fact that U.S. Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott chimed in with a letter to Secretary of Defense William Cohen, maintaining that "U.S. naval ships will be at the mercy of Chinese-controlled pilots." Lott went on to claim that "the Chinese Communist Party will gain an intelligence information advantage by controlling this strategic chokepoint. It appears that we have given away the farm without a shot being fired." And where did Senator Lott get his information? He said he read all about it in the weekly supplement Insight -- which, like its parent The Washington Times, is owned by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church. Let's be blunt about this. Congressional Republicans are talking complete nonsense about Panama, and it's not because they're ignorant. They have polling and focus group data that show a lot of fear and loathing of China these days, they can make a pretty strong case that the Clinton administration took unseemly "soft money" campaign contributions from Chinese interests and they think that it all makes sticky mud for next year's election campaign. The accusations that are being made about Chinese domination of Panama have nothing whatsoever to do with reality here. They're just cynical myths for domestic consumption. Sadly, however, distortions designed for uninformed people in a big country can wreak terrible damage upon a small country. Take, for example, the corollary to Lott's "we have given away the farm" complaint. Not "giving away the farm" means not honoring the 1977 Panama Canal Treaties, something that the far right has been demanding for years. It means turning back the clock, re-militarizing the isthmus, reducing Panama to protectorate status and running this country's most precious industrial asset for the benefit of foreigners. In a word, it means colonialism. I don't think that the treaties will be abrogated anytime soon. Bill Clinton won't do that and Rohrabacher, Lott and friends don't have enough votes to remove him. The danger is that bilateral relations will be constrained by a widespread if erroneous U.S. public impression that Panama is dominated by a country with whom we don't even have diplomatic relations. With the GOP already well financed for next year's elections, many a timid Democrat will choose not to refute the gibberish coming from the other side of the aisle. That may be all it takes to put the Moonies in effective control of the U.S. Embassy here.
Albion Monitor September 5, 1999 (http://www.monitor.net/monitor) All Rights Reserved. Contact rights@monitor.net for permission to use in any format. |