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GOP Silence On Bennett's Racial Remarks Speaks Volumes

by Earl Ofari Hutchinson

GOP Apologizes For Ignoring Blacks Over Last 40 Years

(PNS) -- The reaction was swift and angry to former Reagan honcho William Bennett's oddball racist crack that aborting black babies could reduce crime. The problem, though, was that those who instantly denounced Bennett were all Democrats. Even as calls were made for an apology or for Bennett to be fired from his syndicated national radio show, neither President Bush nor any other top GOP leader said a mumbling word about Bennett. Eventually the White House issued a weak statement calling Bennett's comments "inappropriate."

At first glance the delay seemed especially strange since Bush, Republican National Chair Ken Mehlman and top Republican strategist Karl Rove have barnstormed throughout the country wining and dining every black group that will give them a hearing. They've spent millions to back up their public pledge to make the Republican Party racially inclusive. That raised some hope that the GOP's much-vaunted outreach effort might stop the crude race-baiting that many Republicans had turned into a fine art. Even the tout by Senate Majority leader designate Trent Lott on segregation that touched off a furor a few years back didn't totally smash that hope. Though it took nearly a week for Bush to make a stumbling, kind-of, sort-of disavowal of Lott's laudatory remarks about former senator Strom Thurmond's segregationist past, it was still a faint signal to Senate Republicans to dump Lott from his post.

The Albion Monitor ceased publishing May 5, 2009

But Bennett's gaffe came on the heels of the shocking and heartbreaking scenes of thousands of poor blacks in New Orleans fleeing for their lives from Katrina's floodwaters. Blacks blamed Bush's catatonic response to the disaster on racism. Bush and the GOP have worked overtime since then to dispel any notion that the bungled response was racist, and Bush has even made a few bold declarations about attacking poverty and the racism that fuels much of that poverty.

But Bush's slight nod to race and poverty can't easily dispel the deep suspicion that racism still profoundly colors the GOP's racial thinking and policies. During the past decade, a parade of Republican state and local officials, conservative talk show jocks and even some Republican bigwigs have made foot-in-the-mouth racist cracks. Their response when called on the carpet has always been the same. They make a duck-and-dodge denial, claim that they were misquoted or issue a weak, halfhearted apology. And each time, the response from top Republicans is either silence, or, if the firestorm is great enough, to a give the offender a much-delayed, mild verbal hand-slap.

But the bigger dilemma for Bush and the GOP when the Bennetts of their party pop off is that they remain prisoners of their party's racist past -- a past in which Republican presidents set the tone with their own verbal race-bashing. President Eisenhower never got out of the Old South habit of calling blacks "nigras." In an infamous and well-documented outburst at a White House dinner party in 1954, Ike winked and whispered to Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren that he understood why white Southerners wouldn't want to "see their sweet little girls required to sit in school alongside some big black buck."

President Nixon routinely peppered his talks with his confidants with derogatory quips about blacks. He enshrined in popular language racially tinged code words such as "law and order," "permissive society," "welfare cheats," "crime in the streets," "subculture of violence," "subculture of poverty," "culturally deprived" and "lack of family values." And President Reagan once told a black reporter who asked why Reagan refused to talk with black civil rights leaders, "They criticized me upon my election, so I just said, 'To hell with 'em.'" In 1988, President Bush, Sr. made escaped black convict Willie Horton the poster boy for black crime and violence and turned the presidential campaign against his Democrat opponent Michael Dukakis into a rout. He branded a bill by Sen. Ted Kennedy to make it easier to bring employment discrimination suits a "quotas bill" and vetoed it.

In his autobiography, "My American Journey," former Secretary of State Colin Powell called Reagan "insensitive" on racial issues and tagged Bush's Horton stunt "a cheap shot."

The sentiment that underlay the casual and sometimes blatant, racist trash talk of top Republicans, even Republican presidents, inevitably percolated down to the troops. If Bennett felt that he could say whatever he wanted about blacks and get away with it, it's because other Republicans have done the same. A defiant Bennett made it clear that he would stand by his comments. Even if he eventually backs off, or other Republicans eventually denounce him the damage from their initial silence has already been done.

While there are many Republicans who don't utter racist epithets, use racial code-speak or publicly denigrate minorities -- and there is no record that President Bush has spoken ill racially -- the fact that so many Republicans have racially slandered minorities, women and gays makes it a good bet that the next public official or personality hammered for a racist outburst will be a Republican. And it's also a good bet that no other top Republican will immediately rush in the door to condemn their GOP pal for it.

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Albion Monitor September 28, 2005 (

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