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by Earl Ofari Hutchinson |
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(PNS) -- The slaying of Brazilian legal emigre Jean Charles de Menezes by the London police again cast an ugly glare on racial profiling in Britain -- police procedures that have had nothing to do with stopping terrorism.During the past decade, London police have stopped, patted down and detained legions of black, Asian, and Muslim doctors, lawyers, athletes, business professionals and even British Home Office officials. According to a voluminous 2003 British Home Office report, "Race and the Criminal Justice System," Blacks and Asians were four times more likely to be stopped than whites. North African and Middle Easterners were seven times more likely to be stopped than whites.The humiliation of being subjected to unwarranted stops and searches didn't end there. London police have issued scores of what's euphemistically called a "producer." That's a summons that requires the detainee to appear at a police station and produce their driver's license and car registration. |
British officials claim that the unwarranted stops and searches are a regrettable but necessary tactic to fight terrorism. That's not true. Three years before the London train station bombings and the killing of Menezes, British police made more than 20,000 stops and searches under authority of the Terrorism Act, according to the 2003 Home Office report. Less than 2 percent of those stopped were arrested.Even that figure is misleading. Only two of those arrested were charged with involvement with a terrorist group, and their arrest did not result from a street stop and search. By contrast, nearly 15 percent of those stopped as suspects in criminal activities were arrested. In London, nearly 40 percent of those stopped on suspicion either under the Terrorism Act or the Police and Criminal Evidence Act were non-whites.The issue of racial profiling has long been a sore spot for the black and Asian communities in Britain. It exploded to the surface in 1993 when white hooligans beat Stephen Lawrence, a black London youth, to death. Police came under intense fire for their foot dragging investigation into the beating. It took five years, and a mass protest campaign, before British officials formed a commission to investigate the killing, called the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry. Scores of black and Asian Londoners told harrowing tales of harassment, verbal insults, and even physical assaults by police. In a stark admission, the commission concluded that institutional racism infected all levels of policing in Britain.British officials made a mild stab at reform. In 2003, they announced that under new guidelines an individual could not be subjected to unwarranted street stops because of race, but only when there was clear suspicion of criminal activity. It was a hollow victory. Five years after the commission fingered institutional racism as the cause of profiling, and a year after the guidelines took effect, a commission advisor found that young black men were still twice as likely to be stopped by police than five years earlier.The Terrorism Act of 2000 gives British officials virtually unlimited power to question and detain anyone they deem a likely terrorist suspect. In nearly all cases, the suspect is black, Asian or Muslim.Some U.S. states have passed laws that ban racial profiling, and police departments have spent millions on sensitivity programs and training. Michigan Congressman John Conyers' Traffic Stops Statistics Act, which would collect data on police traffic stops, has been kicked around Congress for the past five years. That at least keeps the issue of racial profiling alive at the federal level.But with the terror war now in full swing in Britain, and national jitters that more attacks could happen at any time, British officials are in no mood to protect against blatant civil liberties abuses. The reaction of British officials to the police killing of Menezes is a prime example of a collateral fallout of innocents getting killed in the terror battle. British Prime Minister Tony Blair's apology for the killing sounded more like a defense of the police than a sincere expression of regret over the tragedy. Blair and British officials made it clear that the street stops and searches will continue and that there will be no change in the shoot to kill policy. They gave no indication that the officers that killed Menezes would be punished.The hard-nosed attitude of British officials ignited justifiable outrage among many Brazilians. Relatives and friends of Menezes demanded that Blair arrest the cops that killed him. That, of course, won't happen. There will be a perfunctory investigation, another statement of regret, and compensation to Menezes' family. Police policies and practices in Britain will not change soon. Even if the train bombings had never occurred, blacks, Asians, and Muslims in the country would still be stopped and searched with impunity on the streets and required to troop to police stations to "produce" documents.That won't stop one potential terrorist attack, or break up a single terrorist cell. It will just be business as usual.
Albion Monitor July 26, 2005 (http://www.albionmonitor.com) All Rights Reserved. Contact rights@monitor.net for permission to use in any format. |