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Charged With Fraud, Timber Company Trying To Recall Prosecutor I come from Prince George County in southern Maryland, where we have a long history of intense political activism (including, unfortunately, the assassination of A. Lincoln). And we are more aware politically than a lot of people in Humboldt County. At least that's what I've come to believe since arriving here two years ago. Let me give an example of why. Last summer I became very interested in the Gallegos/Maxxam situation and asked a lot of people about their view of the recall. Time and again, I heard things like, "You know, I have good feelings about Gallegos and not so good ones about Maxxam, but when law enforcement people say that a DA is soft on crime, I have to listen to them." After hearing this kind of statement many times, I did some research. The research brought me to the press releases from the Humboldt County Deputy Sheriffs' Association and the Eureka Police Officers' Association in support of the recall. And to the conviction that the press releases were at the core of people's impression that Gallegos is soft on crime. I attempted to contact the two "peace officers' organizations" to ask for the facts upon which their press releases were based. I first called the "Humboldt County Deputy Sheriffs' Association" and got a recording asking me to leave my name and number and warning that it might be a while before the call was returned, since the "organization's" voice mail "is not checked regularly." I left a message, stating that I wanted more information on the statements made by the "sheriff's association." I ended up leaving three such messages over a week's time. No one ever returned my calls. (I also stated in the messages that I was a journalist doing a story on the recall. I even left the name of my editor's publication on the assumption that a press connection would result in a reasonably prompt return to my phone call. In PG, that's what the press gets from any legitimate organization.) My experience with the Eureka Police Officers' Association was simpler. That "organization" doesn't have a listing in any telephone book. I did further research and got some names/numbers of representatives of the "peace officers' associations" in the sheriff's office and in the Eureka police department. (Again, I am totally amazed: Humboldt County allows deputies and police officers to organize against its DA from the offices of its law enforcement agencies?) I got more recordings and left more messages. No one returned my calls. I talked to police officers and deputies. A few of them refused to talk to me. As to the rest of them, none of them were members of the "organizations." With one exception, none of them completely agreed with the press releases. Some of them felt that in fact the streets were safer since Gallegos' arrival at the DA's office. Back to Prince George County, Maryland. "Two guys and a dog." This is what we call "organizations" brought into being for the purpose of manipulating public opinion. It's an old trick and only really corny people try it anymore in PG. When they do, folks there refer to such an organization as "two guys and a dog." I could do more research on this topic, no doubt, and maybe it would establish that each of the "peace officer's associations" is legitimate. But I feel that I've done a reasonable amount of work for the purpose of drawing a reasonably accurate opinion as to why a lot of people in this county think that Gallegos is soft on crime: "two guys and a dog." Well, give the devil his due: four guys and two dogs.
Tom Arnall (Arcata, CA)
Military experience counts Vietnam should be of great relevance. When the Rove, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield team was deciding to go to war with Iraq, did they consider the fact that the greatest, most well- equipped, best- trained army in the world was unable to defeat the rag- tag Vietnamese army even after 10 years of fighting? This poorly- thought out decision resulted in the unnecessary death of 58,000 American Soldiers and untold suffering of many who lived and thousands of their loved ones. All of this for nothing. Did they consider the fact that Israel, a country very savvy in defending itself, has been totally unable to stop terrorist attacks for 40 or 50 years? What made Rove, Bush think we could do better? I am a WWII veteran. I joined the Navy in 1945 and went on active duty at the age of 17.
Lynwood G. Collins (St. Simons Island, Georgia) For Lack Of A "Beautiful Mind" Your piece, "For Lack of a Beautiful Mind", resonates very strongly with me. I feel all of these same emotions, share the same anger at witnessing the callousness of the traitors who have sold our integrity and the blood of our sons and daughters for an attempted, but doomed, empire. You speak what so very many of us feel. I do not believe the polls that state half of the American people trust and support the criminal Bush Administration. I feel this is designed to cynically manipulate everyday Americans into fearing that they are alone in their quiet outrage and growing anger-tinged fears. I salute you for speaking up and reminding others that we are not alone, as I salute all who do whatever they can to stop the long slide into fascism our country is so near to completing. Never give up the fight -- your words do have an impact. Matthew
Those creatures, the Bushies, and all of their sick supporters make my blood curdle. I feel, most days, as if I'm living on a nightmarish, sci-fi stage. What keeps me grounded, going and sane are love, faith, hope and my deeply rooted belief that good will ultimately prevail over evil; that there is a benevolent, omnipotent god and that he/she/it/they are keeping score.
Anne Marie Joseph (Toronto) I am glad to see someone with courage to tell the truth. I can only imagine the things that have been done or said in response. But please keep up the good work, there are a lot of like-minded people out there.
Brian M. Finn (Detroit) I send a simple and enormous Thank You, for printing "For Lack of a Beautiful Mind." It is so clear that murdering humans is an on-going Bush family endeavor. Shameful.
Peter Katims As a Christian and Bible teacher, I cannot denounce the statements made by the Rev. Franklin Graham about Islam strongly enough. The Koran teaches us to treat others with respect as does the Bible. It is equally obvious that he does not understand the Bible which he says he believes in, nor the Christ he pretends to represent. How can Islam which teaches worship of one true God be "evil" when Christians who teach the same from the Bible are "righteous?" There is much more in common betweent Islam and Christianity that there is between Christianity and Tamudism (Judaism) which rejects Christ and the virgin birth and anything to do with Jesus, while Islam embraces all of these. Rev. Graham needs to get "a beautiful mind" of his own as it is inflamatory, racist statements like these that have caused Christians so much trouble in the world today. He is a shame to Christians everywhere.
"Legal Eagle"
Playing For Keeps Unless preparations are made for its eventuality, the announcement of Bin Laden's capture will be the death-knell for the 2004 Democratic campaign. And, like the "heroic rescue" of Jessica Lynch or the toppling of Hussein's statue by "jubilant throngs" of Iraqis, it needn't even be real. In case you haven't connected the dots, this time the GOP is playing for keeps. This election year, Republicans are playing a deadly game of attrition -- death by a thousand tiny cuts, so to speak: extreme gerrymandering in Texas, the recall of a governor in California, the installation of inauditable, easily "preprogrammed" e-vote machines in as many counties as will allow them to be stuffed down their throats, relentless and bloody character assassinations in a bought-and-paid-for Murdoch-dominated media empire, absentee ballots counted by an untouchable firm in Kuwait, stacked courts ready to deliver decisions for which 2000's Gore vs. Bush set the precedent. Once the fix is in, there will be no turning back: by an invisible, carefully planned coup, the neoconservatives will have transformed America into an autocracy, and any remaining political opposition will be window dressing.
Eric A. Smith (Tokyo)
Robert St. John, Peaceful Warrior
I read a selection of Robert St. John's journalism -- about the escape from Patras on the troop train in Greece -- in a selection of World War Two pieces of journalism, and I was immediately struck by the vivid, moving style, which to my mind was by far the best piece in either of the two volumes (both published, I think, in 1996). I resolved to get a copy of "From the Land of Silent People," and after some searching, my local public library was able to unearth a copy from the library of California Baptist University in Riverside. I've just finished reading the entire book, and I still believe it was the best piece of writing to come out of the war. Powerful and vivid, it would make anyone pose questions to himself about violence, and its uses and ends.
Carlton Smith The Accomplices Of Andrea Yates
I am so deeply disturbed by the magnitude of this case that I felt myself compelled to contact Mr. Yates on the issue of supporting his wife. He informed me that his wife is not the person who would have committed this crime, yet her altered ego, the post-partum mother guilty only of psychosis. He told me that everyone in the entire family on both sides both supports Andrea. These children are victims! No matter what anyone thinks is just and fair for "poor Andrea," these children and innocent victims of their mothers insanity. Everyone that made it possible for her to be alone with those poor children that day are just as responsible for their deaths.
Julie Ferenzi
Many American people have lost their jobs due to Bush's economic policies. I have been out of a job since August, after more than 30 years in the Information Technology field. That job was outsourced to an Indian firm. The consulting company that I did work for was asked to put together a plan to keep the current team; this was done at a lower bid than the Indian firm, but General Electric still chose to hire the Indian firm. I was then asked to work for the Indian company, but I refused since this whole activity is Anti-American. It seems that other jobs that I am qualified for in the area have also been outsourced to Indian firms, plus there are so many of us out of work, that we are all vying for the same jobs. I am highly regarded in my field, but am on unemployment for the first time in my life. Thank you, Mr. Bush! Susan Tiffany It is all about Bush Don't know just what will happen to us poor folks. I can only say, George Bush and Cheney should be impeached. Jessie Taylor, age 86 years old
I have a very close relative that I love beyond belief that was a Search and Rescue Pilot during the Vietnam War. I would suggest that he is more highly decorated that John Kerry. He is also CEO and Chairman of the Board of a rather large company in Fort Worth, Texas. If he gave me the OK, I would tell you what it is but he has not done so since I have not asked him, but it is fact. John Kerry is a close friend of Ted Kennedy -- did they think we could forget Mary Jo Kopeckne? Ted Kennedy let her die and most all of America at our age believes that. I wish George Bush would come out with a real lambast for Kerry and all the smart- mouthed Democrats right now but I am amazed at how calm he is. If the Democrats think we would be better off with Saddam still in charge of Iraq, send those Democrats to Iraq and let them set up their own dishonest system. I am old enough that I know the difference between honesty and politics.
Sara Redmond
Within the cover story of a war against terrorism rests one enormous single truth. Under cover of war, a successful revolving door of subversion is the entrance to the Bush Administration, Iran/Contra style. The Republican Party is caught red-handed and directly responsible in shifting massive amounts of U.S. tax dollars into the private coffers that fund the political agenda of the Republican Party, its financial backers, and those who profit from war. The political agenda of the Republican Party, in attempting to manipulate facts and impede the paths of justice inherent within our democratic institutions, will not succeed. The actions of the this Republican Administration are illegal, criminal, and not in the best interests of democracy. The neo-conservative agents steering our nation to war are known by name. They are the authors of "The Project for a New American Century." They are the Presidential Cabinet of Advisors. They are complicit in a hidden agenda for war as witnessed in their signatures to the documents produced by right- wing think tanks, specifically, The Project for a New American Century. This Administration is a threat to the safety and survival of society around the world. Their political agenda is war and it would be prudent to view the Republican Party as the political force that has unseated America's honor. This Administration and this President will face an investigation, if not the International Criminal Court, and just like the Iran/Contra investigation of the Reagan/Bush era, will be prosecuted and impeached. George W. Bush, ET AL are wanted for treason against the American people.
Gary Witherspoon (Lake Tahoe, California)
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